General Surgery

1 GENERAL SURGERY Abdomino Perineal Resection Of Rectum 150000
2 GENERAL SURGERY Abdominoperineal Resection 200000
3 GENERAL SURGERY Amputations, (Major) 70000
4 GENERAL SURGERY Anal Sphincter Repair -With Colostomy 130000
5 GENERAL SURGERY Anal Sphincter Repair -Without Colostomy 80000
6 GENERAL SURGERY Anorectoplasty 80000
7 GENERAL SURGERY Anterior Resection Of Large Intestine 120000
8 GENERAL SURGERY Anterior Resection Of Rectum 120000
9 GENERAL SURGERY Anterior Resection With Ileostomy 150000
10 GENERAL SURGERY Appendectomy Open 45000
11 GENERAL SURGERY Axillary Lymph Node Dissection 80000
12 GENERAL SURGERY B/L Hernia 100000
13 GENERAL SURGERY Benign Biliary Stricture Repair 90000
14 GENERAL SURGERY Bilateral  Adrenalectomy In Nonmalignant Conditions 90000
15 GENERAL SURGERY Bilateral Lumpectomy 40000
16 GENERAL SURGERY Breast Conservation Surgery 140000
17 GENERAL SURGERY Breast Lump Excision 45000
18 GENERAL SURGERY Cecopexy 90000
19 GENERAL SURGERY Central Pancreatectomy 200000
20 GENERAL SURGERY Cholecystectomy – Open 70000
21 GENERAL SURGERY Cholecystostomy 70000
22 GENERAL SURGERY Choledochoduodenostomy Or Choledocho Jejunostomy 140000
23 GENERAL SURGERY Circumcission& Related Procedures 25000
24 GENERAL SURGERY Clistal Pancreatectomy 200000
25 GENERAL SURGERY Colonic Pull Up 100000
26 GENERAL SURGERY Colostomy 100000
27 GENERAL SURGERY Colostomy Closure 60000
28 GENERAL SURGERY Cyst Excision+Hepatic Jejunostomy(51.37) 75000
29 GENERAL SURGERY Cystic Hygroma Excision - Minor 22000
30 GENERAL SURGERY Diaphragmatic Hernia (Gortex Mesh Repair) 90000
31 GENERAL SURGERY Distal Gastrectomy For Gastric Outlet Obstruction 130000
32 GENERAL SURGERY Distal Pancreatectomy 180000
33 GENERAL SURGERY Distal Pancreatectomy + Splenectomy(41.5) 240000
34 GENERAL SURGERY Drainage Of Ischio Rectal Abscess 75000
35 GENERAL SURGERY Drainage Of Large Abscess 22000
36 GENERAL SURGERY Drainage Of Perigastric Abscess 75000
37 GENERAL SURGERY Drainage Of Psoas Abscess 75000
38 GENERAL SURGERY Drainage Of Subdiaphragmatic Abscess 75000
39 GENERAL SURGERY Duodenectomy 100000
40 GENERAL SURGERY Enucleation Of Cyst 75000
41 GENERAL SURGERY Epididectomy 22000
42 GENERAL SURGERY Epigastric Hernia Repair With Mesh 85000
43 GENERAL SURGERY Epigastric Hernia Repair Without Mesh 75000
44 GENERAL SURGERY Evacuation Of Scrotal Hematoma 75000
45 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of  Large Dermoid Cyst 22000
46 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Bilateral Fibroadenoma 75000
47 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Branchial Cyst 75000
48 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Branchial Sinus 75000
49 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Carotid Body Tumours 75000
50 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Cervical Rib 75000
51 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Cystic Hygroma -Extensive 75000
52 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Cystic Hygroma -Major 75000
53 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Epididymal Cyst 22000
54 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Ganglion - Large 22000
55 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Ganglion - Small 22000
56 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Keloid 75000
57 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Large Growth From Tongue 75000
58 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Large Swelling In Hand 75000
59 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Lingual Thyroid 75000
60 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Liver Abscess 75000
61 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Mammary Fistula 75000
62 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Meckel'S Diverticulum 75000
63 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Mesenteric Cyst 75000
64 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Multiple Scrotal Cysts 22000
65 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Multiple Scrotal Swellings 22000
66 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Papilloma Rectum 75000
67 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Pilonidal Sinus 75000
68 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Prolapse Of Rectal Mass 75000
69 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Salivary Gland 75000
70 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Sebaceous Cyst 22000
71 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Sinus 75000
72 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Small Dermoid Cyst 75000
73 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Swelling Neck 22000
74 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Thyroglossal Cyst Fistula 75000
75 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Umbillical Sinus 75000
76 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Of Unilateral Fibroadenoma 22000
77 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Small Intestinal Fistula 75000
78 GENERAL SURGERY Excision Surgery Lipoma / Lymphnode / Biopsys 22000
79 GENERAL SURGERY Extended Right Hemicolectomy 130000
80 GENERAL SURGERY Feeding Jejunotomy 55000
81 GENERAL SURGERY Fissurectomy 42000
82 GENERAL SURGERY Fistulectomy 55000
83 GENERAL SURGERY Fistulectomy Low, Intermediate High Etc., 55000
84 GENERAL SURGERY Foreign Body Removal In Deep Region 75000
85 GENERAL SURGERY Ganglion Sclerotherapy 22000
86 GENERAL SURGERY Gastrectomy 140000
87 GENERAL SURGERY Gastro Jejuno-Colic Fistula Surgical Management 75000
88 GENERAL SURGERY Gastrojejunostomy & Vagotomy 200000
89 GENERAL SURGERY Gastrostomy 55000
90 GENERAL SURGERY Gastrostomy Closure 55000
91 GENERAL SURGERY Gb+ Calculi Cbd Stones Or Dilated Cbd 135000
92 GENERAL SURGERY Haemangioma Sol Liver Hepatectomy + Wedge Resection 75000
93 GENERAL SURGERY Haemorrhoids, Fissures, Lord'S, Banding, Sphinctertomy Etc., 43000
94 GENERAL SURGERY Haemorroidectomy 43000
95 GENERAL SURGERY Haemorroidectomy+ Fistulectomy(49.12) 75000
96 GENERAL SURGERY Hartman.S Procedure With Colostomy 150000
97 GENERAL SURGERY Hemangioma Scleotherapy 22000
98 GENERAL SURGERY Hemimandibulectomy 120000
99 GENERAL SURGERY Hemithyroidectomy 65000
100 GENERAL SURGERY Hepatectomy 220000
101 GENERAL SURGERY Hepatectomy For Cholangiocarcinoma 75000
102 GENERAL SURGERY Hepatico Jejunostomy 75000
103 GENERAL SURGERY Hepato Cellular Carcinoma(Advanced) Radio Frequency Ablation 75000
104 GENERAL SURGERY Herinoplasty With Mesh Direct Inguinal Hernia 55000
105 GENERAL SURGERY Herinoplasty Without Mesh For Direct Inguinal Hernia 55000
106 GENERAL SURGERY Hernioplasty 55000
107 GENERAL SURGERY Hiatus Hernia Repair - Abdominal 90000
108 GENERAL SURGERY Highly Selective Vagotomy 75000
109 GENERAL SURGERY Hydatid Cyst-Marsupilisation 75000
110 GENERAL SURGERY Hydrocele 40000
111 GENERAL SURGERY Hydrocele Bilateral 55000
112 GENERAL SURGERY I & D Of Breast Abscess 45000
113 GENERAL SURGERY I Stage- Sub Total Colectomy + Ileostomy + J - Pouch 170000
114 GENERAL SURGERY I Stage-Sub Total Colectomy + Ileostomy(46.2) 170000
115 GENERAL SURGERY Ii Stage- Ileostomy Closure 55000
116 GENERAL SURGERY Ii Stage-J - Pouch 75000
117 GENERAL SURGERY Iii Stage-Ileostomy Closure 55000
118 GENERAL SURGERY Ileostomy 120000
119 GENERAL SURGERY Ileostomy Closure 55000
120 GENERAL SURGERY Illieo Sigmoidostomy 125000
121 GENERAL SURGERY Intestinal Obstructions 120000
122 GENERAL SURGERY Isthmectomy 75000
123 GENERAL SURGERY Lap  Cholecystectomy 75000
124 GENERAL SURGERY Lap Appendectomy 50000
125 GENERAL SURGERY Lap Fundoplications 75000
126 GENERAL SURGERY Lap Roscopic Colectomy (Total Colectomy) 75000
127 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Appendicectomy 50000
128 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Cholecystectomy 7500
129 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Cholecystectomy With Cbd Exploration (51.41) 75000
130 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Cholecystectomy With Gargrene 125000
131 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Excision Of Varicocele Cyst 75000
132 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Hellers Myotomy 75000
133 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Hemi Thyroidectomy 75000
134 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Isthmectomy 75000
135 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Left Hemicolectomy 75000
136 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy 75000
137 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Rectopexy With  Mesh For Rectal Prolapse 75000
138 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Rectopexy With  Mesh For Rectal Prolapse 75000
139 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Rectopexy With Repair 75000
140 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Right Hemi Colectomy In Non Malignant Conditions 75000
141 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Splenectomy - For Other Indications 75000
142 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Sub Total Thyroidectomy 75000
143 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For  - Umbilical Hernia With Mesh 75000
144 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For  Incisional Hernia Without Mesh 75000
145 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Appendicular Mass-Abscess 120000
146 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Duodenal Perforation 75000
147 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Epigastric Hernia Repair With Mesh 75000
148 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Hiatus Hernia With Mesh 75000
149 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Incisional Hernia With Mesh 75000
150 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Intra Abdominal Abscess 75000
151 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Unilateral Femoral Hernia With Mesh 75000
152 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Unilateral Femoral Hernia Without Mesh 75000
153 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Thyroid Nodule Excision 75000
154 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic Total Thyroidectomy 75000
155 GENERAL SURGERY Laproscopic-Lumbar Sympathectomy 75000
156 GENERAL SURGERY Lateral Pancreaticojejunostomy(Non- Malignant) 75000
157 GENERAL SURGERY Left Hemi Colectomy 120000
158 GENERAL SURGERY Lieotransverse Colostomy 118000
159 GENERAL SURGERY Loop Colostomy Sigmoid 120000
160 GENERAL SURGERY Lord'S Procedure For Haemorrhoids 45000
161 GENERAL SURGERY Lt.Hepatectomy 75000
162 GENERAL SURGERY Oesophagectomy 170000
163 GENERAL SURGERY Oesophagogastectomy 190000
164 GENERAL SURGERY Oesophago-Gastrectomy 190000
165 GENERAL SURGERY Open Drainage Of Pelvic Abscess 75000
166 GENERAL SURGERY Open Hellers Myotomy 75000
167 GENERAL SURGERY Open Pancreatic Necrosectomy 75000
168 GENERAL SURGERY Operation For Bleeding Peptic Ulcer 75000
169 GENERAL SURGERY Operations Of Volvulus Of Large Bowel 118000
170 GENERAL SURGERY Orchidectomy + Herniorraphy(53.00) 75000
171 GENERAL SURGERY Orchidectomy -Unilateral 40000
172 GENERAL SURGERY Orchidopexy With Eversion Of Sac 40000
173 GENERAL SURGERY Other Bypasses -Pancreas 75000
174 GENERAL SURGERY Pancreaticocystogastrostomy 75000
175 GENERAL SURGERY Pancreaticocystojejunostomy 180000
176 GENERAL SURGERY Parathyroidectomy -Non Malignant 75000
177 GENERAL SURGERY Paronychia Drainage 22000
178 GENERAL SURGERY Parotid Duct Repair 75000
179 GENERAL SURGERY Partial Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Esophagus 135000
180 GENERAL SURGERY Partial Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Duodenum 135000
181 GENERAL SURGERY Partial Glossectomy 115000
182 GENERAL SURGERY Partial Thyroidectomy 65000
183 GENERAL SURGERY Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Esophagus For Ulcer 135000
184 GENERAL SURGERY Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Jejunum For Ulcer 135000
185 GENERAL SURGERY Perforations 118000
186 GENERAL SURGERY Portocaval Anastomosis 75000
187 GENERAL SURGERY Prolapse Rectum 85000
188 GENERAL SURGERY Pull Through Abdominal Resection 190000
189 GENERAL SURGERY Pyloromyotomy 75000
190 GENERAL SURGERY Pyloroplasty & Vagotomy 75000
191 GENERAL SURGERY Radical Extended Cholecystectomy For Ca Gall Bladder 135000
192 GENERAL SURGERY Rare Hernias Repair (Spigalion,Obuturator,Sciatic) 98000
193 GENERAL SURGERY Rectopexy Open With Mesh For Rectal Prolapse 75000
194 GENERAL SURGERY Rectopexy Open Without Mesh For Rectal Prolapse 75000
195 GENERAL SURGERY Rectopexy Open Without Mesh For Rectal Prolapse 75000
196 GENERAL SURGERY Rectovaginal Fistula Management With Colostomy 75000
197 GENERAL SURGERY Rectovaginal Fistula Management Without Colostomy 75000
198 GENERAL SURGERY Removal Of Submandibular Salivary Gland 75000
199 GENERAL SURGERY Repair Of Cbd 125000
200 GENERAL SURGERY Resection & Anastomosis 135000
201 GENERAL SURGERY Resection & Anastomosis Of Small Intestine(45.9) 135000
202 GENERAL SURGERY Resection Enucleation - Thyroid 75000
203 GENERAL SURGERY Right Hemi Colectomy 135000
204 GENERAL SURGERY Rt.Hepatectomy 75000
205 GENERAL SURGERY Segmental Mandible Excision 125000
206 GENERAL SURGERY Segmental Resection Of Breast 125000
207 GENERAL SURGERY Segmentectomy 75000
208 GENERAL SURGERY Selective Vagotomy Drainage 75000
209 GENERAL SURGERY Simple Mastectomy (Non Malignant) 45000
210 GENERAL SURGERY Skin Grafting 75000
211 GENERAL SURGERY Spleenectomy For Space Occupying Lesion 75000
212 GENERAL SURGERY Splenctomy 125000
213 GENERAL SURGERY Splenectomy + Devascularisation + Spleno Renal Shunt(39.1) 75000
214 GENERAL SURGERY Splenectomy For Hypersplenism 75000
215 GENERAL SURGERY Splenorenal Anastomosis 75000
216 GENERAL SURGERY Subtotal Thyroidectomy 65000
217 GENERAL SURGERY Superficial Parotoidectomy (Non-Malignant) 75000
218 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Bleeding Ulcers 75000
219 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Corrosive Injury Stomach 75000
220 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Obscure Gi Bleed 75000
221 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation - Single Staged Foreign Body, Iatrogenic & Spontaneous 75000
222 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation Stage 1 Cervical Exclusion And Chest Tube And Feeding Jejunostomy 200000
223 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation Stage 1 Cervical Exclusion And Chest Tube And Feeding Jejunostomy 200000
224 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation Stage 2 Definitive Surgery 200000
225 GENERAL SURGERY Surgery For Portal Hypertension Bleed 75000
226 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Management For Haemorrhage Of The Small Intestine 75000
227 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Management Of Malrotation 75000
228 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Management Of Volvulus 125000
229 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Repair Of Bilateral Gynaecomastia 135000
230 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Acute Intestinal Perforation 125000
231 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Acute Intestinal Perforation 125000
232 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Appendicular Perforation 125000
233 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Bilateral Hydrocoele 45000
234 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Burst Abdomen 75000
235 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Carbuncle Back 75000
236 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Cut Throat Injury 75000
237 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Duodenal Diverticulum 75000
238 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Duplication Of Intestines 125000
239 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Filarial Scrotum 75000
240 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Fourniers Gangrene 75000
241 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Hydatid Cyst Of Liver 75000
242 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Ingrowing  Nail 22000
243 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Intususception 75000
244 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Major Abdominal Injuries 75000
245 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Mal-Rotation & Volvulus Of The Midgut 75000
246 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Minor Abdominal Injuries 75000
247 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction (Noble Plication Other) 125000
248 GENERAL SURGERY Surgical Treatment For Unilateral  Hydrocoele 75000
249 GENERAL SURGERY Thyroid (Hemi / Subtotal) 65000
250 GENERAL SURGERY Thyroid (Radical / Total) 120000
251 GENERAL SURGERY Total Colectomy 130000
252 GENERAL SURGERY Total Thyroidectomy 120000
253 GENERAL SURGERY Tracheostomy 15000
254 GENERAL SURGERY Treatment With Self Expanding Metalic Stent (Sems) 75000
255 GENERAL SURGERY Triple Bypass -Pancreas 75000
256 GENERAL SURGERY Truncal Vagotomy + Gastro Jejunostomy(44.3) 75000
257 GENERAL SURGERY Umbilical Hernia Repair With Mesh 55000
258 GENERAL SURGERY Umbilical Hernia Repair Without Mesh 55000
259 GENERAL SURGERY Unilateral Adrenelectopmy  In Nonmalignant Conditions 75000
260 GENERAL SURGERY Unilateral Femoral Hernia Repair 55000
261 GENERAL SURGERY Unilateral Lumpectomy 22000
262 GENERAL SURGERY Ventral And Scar Hernia Repair With Mesh 100000
263 GENERAL SURGERY Ventral And Scar Hernia Repair Without Mesh 100000
264 GENERAL SURGERY Ventral, Incisional, Umbilical Recurrent & Other Large Hernias 100000
265 GENERAL SURGERY Vermilionectomy 75000
266 GENERAL SURGERY Warren Shunt For Portal Hypertension 75000
267 GENERAL SURGERY Wedge Excision Of Lip & Vermilionectomy(27.43) 75000
268 GENERAL SURGERY Whipples, Pancratic Surgeries, Shunt Surgeries 230000
269 GENERAL SURGERY Wide Excision Of Mammary Fistula 22000
270 GENERAL SURGERY Wide Local Excision (Non - Malignant) 75000