1 | GENERAL SURGERY | Abdomino Perineal Resection Of Rectum | 150000 |
2 | GENERAL SURGERY | Abdominoperineal Resection | 200000 |
3 | GENERAL SURGERY | Amputations, (Major) | 70000 |
4 | GENERAL SURGERY | Anal Sphincter Repair -With Colostomy | 130000 |
5 | GENERAL SURGERY | Anal Sphincter Repair -Without Colostomy | 80000 |
6 | GENERAL SURGERY | Anorectoplasty | 80000 |
7 | GENERAL SURGERY | Anterior Resection Of Large Intestine | 120000 |
8 | GENERAL SURGERY | Anterior Resection Of Rectum | 120000 |
9 | GENERAL SURGERY | Anterior Resection With Ileostomy | 150000 |
10 | GENERAL SURGERY | Appendectomy Open | 45000 |
11 | GENERAL SURGERY | Axillary Lymph Node Dissection | 80000 |
12 | GENERAL SURGERY | B/L Hernia | 100000 |
13 | GENERAL SURGERY | Benign Biliary Stricture Repair | 90000 |
14 | GENERAL SURGERY | Bilateral Adrenalectomy In Nonmalignant Conditions | 90000 |
15 | GENERAL SURGERY | Bilateral Lumpectomy | 40000 |
16 | GENERAL SURGERY | Breast Conservation Surgery | 140000 |
17 | GENERAL SURGERY | Breast Lump Excision | 45000 |
18 | GENERAL SURGERY | Cecopexy | 90000 |
19 | GENERAL SURGERY | Central Pancreatectomy | 200000 |
20 | GENERAL SURGERY | Cholecystectomy – Open | 70000 |
21 | GENERAL SURGERY | Cholecystostomy | 70000 |
22 | GENERAL SURGERY | Choledochoduodenostomy Or Choledocho Jejunostomy | 140000 |
23 | GENERAL SURGERY | Circumcission& Related Procedures | 25000 |
24 | GENERAL SURGERY | Clistal Pancreatectomy | 200000 |
25 | GENERAL SURGERY | Colonic Pull Up | 100000 |
26 | GENERAL SURGERY | Colostomy | 100000 |
27 | GENERAL SURGERY | Colostomy Closure | 60000 |
28 | GENERAL SURGERY | Cyst Excision+Hepatic Jejunostomy(51.37) | 75000 |
29 | GENERAL SURGERY | Cystic Hygroma Excision - Minor | 22000 |
30 | GENERAL SURGERY | Diaphragmatic Hernia (Gortex Mesh Repair) | 90000 |
31 | GENERAL SURGERY | Distal Gastrectomy For Gastric Outlet Obstruction | 130000 |
32 | GENERAL SURGERY | Distal Pancreatectomy | 180000 |
33 | GENERAL SURGERY | Distal Pancreatectomy + Splenectomy(41.5) | 240000 |
34 | GENERAL SURGERY | Drainage Of Ischio Rectal Abscess | 75000 |
35 | GENERAL SURGERY | Drainage Of Large Abscess | 22000 |
36 | GENERAL SURGERY | Drainage Of Perigastric Abscess | 75000 |
37 | GENERAL SURGERY | Drainage Of Psoas Abscess | 75000 |
38 | GENERAL SURGERY | Drainage Of Subdiaphragmatic Abscess | 75000 |
39 | GENERAL SURGERY | Duodenectomy | 100000 |
40 | GENERAL SURGERY | Enucleation Of Cyst | 75000 |
41 | GENERAL SURGERY | Epididectomy | 22000 |
42 | GENERAL SURGERY | Epigastric Hernia Repair With Mesh | 85000 |
43 | GENERAL SURGERY | Epigastric Hernia Repair Without Mesh | 75000 |
44 | GENERAL SURGERY | Evacuation Of Scrotal Hematoma | 75000 |
45 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Large Dermoid Cyst | 22000 |
46 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Bilateral Fibroadenoma | 75000 |
47 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Branchial Cyst | 75000 |
48 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Branchial Sinus | 75000 |
49 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Carotid Body Tumours | 75000 |
50 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Cervical Rib | 75000 |
51 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Cystic Hygroma -Extensive | 75000 |
52 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Cystic Hygroma -Major | 75000 |
53 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Epididymal Cyst | 22000 |
54 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Ganglion - Large | 22000 |
55 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Ganglion - Small | 22000 |
56 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Keloid | 75000 |
57 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Large Growth From Tongue | 75000 |
58 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Large Swelling In Hand | 75000 |
59 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Lingual Thyroid | 75000 |
60 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Liver Abscess | 75000 |
61 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Mammary Fistula | 75000 |
62 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Meckel'S Diverticulum | 75000 |
63 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Mesenteric Cyst | 75000 |
64 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Multiple Scrotal Cysts | 22000 |
65 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Multiple Scrotal Swellings | 22000 |
66 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Papilloma Rectum | 75000 |
67 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Pilonidal Sinus | 75000 |
68 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Prolapse Of Rectal Mass | 75000 |
69 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Salivary Gland | 75000 |
70 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Sebaceous Cyst | 22000 |
71 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Sinus | 75000 |
72 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Small Dermoid Cyst | 75000 |
73 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Swelling Neck | 22000 |
74 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Thyroglossal Cyst Fistula | 75000 |
75 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Umbillical Sinus | 75000 |
76 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Of Unilateral Fibroadenoma | 22000 |
77 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Small Intestinal Fistula | 75000 |
78 | GENERAL SURGERY | Excision Surgery Lipoma / Lymphnode / Biopsys | 22000 |
79 | GENERAL SURGERY | Extended Right Hemicolectomy | 130000 |
80 | GENERAL SURGERY | Feeding Jejunotomy | 55000 |
81 | GENERAL SURGERY | Fissurectomy | 42000 |
82 | GENERAL SURGERY | Fistulectomy | 55000 |
83 | GENERAL SURGERY | Fistulectomy Low, Intermediate High Etc., | 55000 |
84 | GENERAL SURGERY | Foreign Body Removal In Deep Region | 75000 |
85 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ganglion Sclerotherapy | 22000 |
86 | GENERAL SURGERY | Gastrectomy | 140000 |
87 | GENERAL SURGERY | Gastro Jejuno-Colic Fistula Surgical Management | 75000 |
88 | GENERAL SURGERY | Gastrojejunostomy & Vagotomy | 200000 |
89 | GENERAL SURGERY | Gastrostomy | 55000 |
90 | GENERAL SURGERY | Gastrostomy Closure | 55000 |
91 | GENERAL SURGERY | Gb+ Calculi Cbd Stones Or Dilated Cbd | 135000 |
92 | GENERAL SURGERY | Haemangioma Sol Liver Hepatectomy + Wedge Resection | 75000 |
93 | GENERAL SURGERY | Haemorrhoids, Fissures, Lord'S, Banding, Sphinctertomy Etc., | 43000 |
94 | GENERAL SURGERY | Haemorroidectomy | 43000 |
95 | GENERAL SURGERY | Haemorroidectomy+ Fistulectomy(49.12) | 75000 |
96 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hartman.S Procedure With Colostomy | 150000 |
97 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hemangioma Scleotherapy | 22000 |
98 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hemimandibulectomy | 120000 |
99 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hemithyroidectomy | 65000 |
100 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hepatectomy | 220000 |
101 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hepatectomy For Cholangiocarcinoma | 75000 |
102 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hepatico Jejunostomy | 75000 |
103 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hepato Cellular Carcinoma(Advanced) Radio Frequency Ablation | 75000 |
104 | GENERAL SURGERY | Herinoplasty With Mesh Direct Inguinal Hernia | 55000 |
105 | GENERAL SURGERY | Herinoplasty Without Mesh For Direct Inguinal Hernia | 55000 |
106 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hernioplasty | 55000 |
107 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hiatus Hernia Repair - Abdominal | 90000 |
108 | GENERAL SURGERY | Highly Selective Vagotomy | 75000 |
109 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hydatid Cyst-Marsupilisation | 75000 |
110 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hydrocele | 40000 |
111 | GENERAL SURGERY | Hydrocele Bilateral | 55000 |
112 | GENERAL SURGERY | I & D Of Breast Abscess | 45000 |
113 | GENERAL SURGERY | I Stage- Sub Total Colectomy + Ileostomy + J - Pouch | 170000 |
114 | GENERAL SURGERY | I Stage-Sub Total Colectomy + Ileostomy(46.2) | 170000 |
115 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ii Stage- Ileostomy Closure | 55000 |
116 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ii Stage-J - Pouch | 75000 |
117 | GENERAL SURGERY | Iii Stage-Ileostomy Closure | 55000 |
118 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ileostomy | 120000 |
119 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ileostomy Closure | 55000 |
120 | GENERAL SURGERY | Illieo Sigmoidostomy | 125000 |
121 | GENERAL SURGERY | Intestinal Obstructions | 120000 |
122 | GENERAL SURGERY | Isthmectomy | 75000 |
123 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lap Cholecystectomy | 75000 |
124 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lap Appendectomy | 50000 |
125 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lap Fundoplications | 75000 |
126 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lap Roscopic Colectomy (Total Colectomy) | 75000 |
127 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Appendicectomy | 50000 |
128 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Cholecystectomy | 7500 |
129 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Cholecystectomy With Cbd Exploration (51.41) | 75000 |
130 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Cholecystectomy With Gargrene | 125000 |
131 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Excision Of Varicocele Cyst | 75000 |
132 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Hellers Myotomy | 75000 |
133 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Hemi Thyroidectomy | 75000 |
134 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Isthmectomy | 75000 |
135 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Left Hemicolectomy | 75000 |
136 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy | 75000 |
137 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Rectopexy With Mesh For Rectal Prolapse | 75000 |
138 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Rectopexy With Mesh For Rectal Prolapse | 75000 |
139 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Rectopexy With Repair | 75000 |
140 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Right Hemi Colectomy In Non Malignant Conditions | 75000 |
141 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Splenectomy - For Other Indications | 75000 |
142 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Sub Total Thyroidectomy | 75000 |
143 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For - Umbilical Hernia With Mesh | 75000 |
144 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Incisional Hernia Without Mesh | 75000 |
145 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Appendicular Mass-Abscess | 120000 |
146 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Duodenal Perforation | 75000 |
147 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Epigastric Hernia Repair With Mesh | 75000 |
148 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Hiatus Hernia With Mesh | 75000 |
149 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Incisional Hernia With Mesh | 75000 |
150 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Intra Abdominal Abscess | 75000 |
151 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Unilateral Femoral Hernia With Mesh | 75000 |
152 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Surgical Treatment For Unilateral Femoral Hernia Without Mesh | 75000 |
153 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Thyroid Nodule Excision | 75000 |
154 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic Total Thyroidectomy | 75000 |
155 | GENERAL SURGERY | Laproscopic-Lumbar Sympathectomy | 75000 |
156 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lateral Pancreaticojejunostomy(Non- Malignant) | 75000 |
157 | GENERAL SURGERY | Left Hemi Colectomy | 120000 |
158 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lieotransverse Colostomy | 118000 |
159 | GENERAL SURGERY | Loop Colostomy Sigmoid | 120000 |
160 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lord'S Procedure For Haemorrhoids | 45000 |
161 | GENERAL SURGERY | Lt.Hepatectomy | 75000 |
162 | GENERAL SURGERY | Oesophagectomy | 170000 |
163 | GENERAL SURGERY | Oesophagogastectomy | 190000 |
164 | GENERAL SURGERY | Oesophago-Gastrectomy | 190000 |
165 | GENERAL SURGERY | Open Drainage Of Pelvic Abscess | 75000 |
166 | GENERAL SURGERY | Open Hellers Myotomy | 75000 |
167 | GENERAL SURGERY | Open Pancreatic Necrosectomy | 75000 |
168 | GENERAL SURGERY | Operation For Bleeding Peptic Ulcer | 75000 |
169 | GENERAL SURGERY | Operations Of Volvulus Of Large Bowel | 118000 |
170 | GENERAL SURGERY | Orchidectomy + Herniorraphy(53.00) | 75000 |
171 | GENERAL SURGERY | Orchidectomy -Unilateral | 40000 |
172 | GENERAL SURGERY | Orchidopexy With Eversion Of Sac | 40000 |
173 | GENERAL SURGERY | Other Bypasses -Pancreas | 75000 |
174 | GENERAL SURGERY | Pancreaticocystogastrostomy | 75000 |
175 | GENERAL SURGERY | Pancreaticocystojejunostomy | 180000 |
176 | GENERAL SURGERY | Parathyroidectomy -Non Malignant | 75000 |
177 | GENERAL SURGERY | Paronychia Drainage | 22000 |
178 | GENERAL SURGERY | Parotid Duct Repair | 75000 |
179 | GENERAL SURGERY | Partial Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Esophagus | 135000 |
180 | GENERAL SURGERY | Partial Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Duodenum | 135000 |
181 | GENERAL SURGERY | Partial Glossectomy | 115000 |
182 | GENERAL SURGERY | Partial Thyroidectomy | 65000 |
183 | GENERAL SURGERY | Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Esophagus For Ulcer | 135000 |
184 | GENERAL SURGERY | Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy With Anastomosis To Jejunum For Ulcer | 135000 |
185 | GENERAL SURGERY | Perforations | 118000 |
186 | GENERAL SURGERY | Portocaval Anastomosis | 75000 |
187 | GENERAL SURGERY | Prolapse Rectum | 85000 |
188 | GENERAL SURGERY | Pull Through Abdominal Resection | 190000 |
189 | GENERAL SURGERY | Pyloromyotomy | 75000 |
190 | GENERAL SURGERY | Pyloroplasty & Vagotomy | 75000 |
191 | GENERAL SURGERY | Radical Extended Cholecystectomy For Ca Gall Bladder | 135000 |
192 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rare Hernias Repair (Spigalion,Obuturator,Sciatic) | 98000 |
193 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rectopexy Open With Mesh For Rectal Prolapse | 75000 |
194 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rectopexy Open Without Mesh For Rectal Prolapse | 75000 |
195 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rectopexy Open Without Mesh For Rectal Prolapse | 75000 |
196 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rectovaginal Fistula Management With Colostomy | 75000 |
197 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rectovaginal Fistula Management Without Colostomy | 75000 |
198 | GENERAL SURGERY | Removal Of Submandibular Salivary Gland | 75000 |
199 | GENERAL SURGERY | Repair Of Cbd | 125000 |
200 | GENERAL SURGERY | Resection & Anastomosis | 135000 |
201 | GENERAL SURGERY | Resection & Anastomosis Of Small Intestine(45.9) | 135000 |
202 | GENERAL SURGERY | Resection Enucleation - Thyroid | 75000 |
203 | GENERAL SURGERY | Right Hemi Colectomy | 135000 |
204 | GENERAL SURGERY | Rt.Hepatectomy | 75000 |
205 | GENERAL SURGERY | Segmental Mandible Excision | 125000 |
206 | GENERAL SURGERY | Segmental Resection Of Breast | 125000 |
207 | GENERAL SURGERY | Segmentectomy | 75000 |
208 | GENERAL SURGERY | Selective Vagotomy Drainage | 75000 |
209 | GENERAL SURGERY | Simple Mastectomy (Non Malignant) | 45000 |
210 | GENERAL SURGERY | Skin Grafting | 75000 |
211 | GENERAL SURGERY | Spleenectomy For Space Occupying Lesion | 75000 |
212 | GENERAL SURGERY | Splenctomy | 125000 |
213 | GENERAL SURGERY | Splenectomy + Devascularisation + Spleno Renal Shunt(39.1) | 75000 |
214 | GENERAL SURGERY | Splenectomy For Hypersplenism | 75000 |
215 | GENERAL SURGERY | Splenorenal Anastomosis | 75000 |
216 | GENERAL SURGERY | Subtotal Thyroidectomy | 65000 |
217 | GENERAL SURGERY | Superficial Parotoidectomy (Non-Malignant) | 75000 |
218 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Bleeding Ulcers | 75000 |
219 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Corrosive Injury Stomach | 75000 |
220 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Obscure Gi Bleed | 75000 |
221 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation - Single Staged Foreign Body, Iatrogenic & Spontaneous | 75000 |
222 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation Stage 1 Cervical Exclusion And Chest Tube And Feeding Jejunostomy | 200000 |
223 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation Stage 1 Cervical Exclusion And Chest Tube And Feeding Jejunostomy | 200000 |
224 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Oesophageal Perforation Stage 2 Definitive Surgery | 200000 |
225 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgery For Portal Hypertension Bleed | 75000 |
226 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Management For Haemorrhage Of The Small Intestine | 75000 |
227 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Management Of Malrotation | 75000 |
228 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Management Of Volvulus | 125000 |
229 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Repair Of Bilateral Gynaecomastia | 135000 |
230 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Acute Intestinal Perforation | 125000 |
231 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Acute Intestinal Perforation | 125000 |
232 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Appendicular Perforation | 125000 |
233 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Bilateral Hydrocoele | 45000 |
234 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Burst Abdomen | 75000 |
235 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Carbuncle Back | 75000 |
236 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Cut Throat Injury | 75000 |
237 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Duodenal Diverticulum | 75000 |
238 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Duplication Of Intestines | 125000 |
239 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Filarial Scrotum | 75000 |
240 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Fourniers Gangrene | 75000 |
241 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Hydatid Cyst Of Liver | 75000 |
242 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Ingrowing Nail | 22000 |
243 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Intususception | 75000 |
244 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Major Abdominal Injuries | 75000 |
245 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Mal-Rotation & Volvulus Of The Midgut | 75000 |
246 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Minor Abdominal Injuries | 75000 |
247 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction (Noble Plication Other) | 125000 |
248 | GENERAL SURGERY | Surgical Treatment For Unilateral Hydrocoele | 75000 |
249 | GENERAL SURGERY | Thyroid (Hemi / Subtotal) | 65000 |
250 | GENERAL SURGERY | Thyroid (Radical / Total) | 120000 |
251 | GENERAL SURGERY | Total Colectomy | 130000 |
252 | GENERAL SURGERY | Total Thyroidectomy | 120000 |
253 | GENERAL SURGERY | Tracheostomy | 15000 |
254 | GENERAL SURGERY | Treatment With Self Expanding Metalic Stent (Sems) | 75000 |
255 | GENERAL SURGERY | Triple Bypass -Pancreas | 75000 |
256 | GENERAL SURGERY | Truncal Vagotomy + Gastro Jejunostomy(44.3) | 75000 |
257 | GENERAL SURGERY | Umbilical Hernia Repair With Mesh | 55000 |
258 | GENERAL SURGERY | Umbilical Hernia Repair Without Mesh | 55000 |
259 | GENERAL SURGERY | Unilateral Adrenelectopmy In Nonmalignant Conditions | 75000 |
260 | GENERAL SURGERY | Unilateral Femoral Hernia Repair | 55000 |
261 | GENERAL SURGERY | Unilateral Lumpectomy | 22000 |
262 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ventral And Scar Hernia Repair With Mesh | 100000 |
263 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ventral And Scar Hernia Repair Without Mesh | 100000 |
264 | GENERAL SURGERY | Ventral, Incisional, Umbilical Recurrent & Other Large Hernias | 100000 |
265 | GENERAL SURGERY | Vermilionectomy | 75000 |
266 | GENERAL SURGERY | Warren Shunt For Portal Hypertension | 75000 |
267 | GENERAL SURGERY | Wedge Excision Of Lip & Vermilionectomy(27.43) | 75000 |
268 | GENERAL SURGERY | Whipples, Pancratic Surgeries, Shunt Surgeries | 230000 |
269 | GENERAL SURGERY | Wide Excision Of Mammary Fistula | 22000 |
270 | GENERAL SURGERY | Wide Local Excision (Non - Malignant) | 75000 |
Mother Teresa Superspeciality
Committed to delivering exceptional healthcare with compassion and expertise. Your well-being is our priority. Contact us for more information about our services and how we can support your health journey.